Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 2 Courage


Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 2 Courage

Poem Chapter 2 Courage

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 3 Poem Chapter 2 Courage Textual Questions and Answers

Read and Understand 

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Can courage be developed suddenly? Why?
Courage is not a brilliant dash. It is not an instant thing. It is something deep in the soul of man.

2. When should we have courage?
All those who make great efforts towards a goal, should have courage.

3. Give an example for dazzling light.


‘Fire fly’ is an example for dazzling light.
Any light however powerful it is, it flashes and passes away from sight. But Courage is a permanent thing. It dwells in the heart of brave men for ever.

4. Can a courageous man be defeated? Why?
Yes. A courageous man also meet many defeats, but he will not give up his target due to failure. He will struggle hard to overcome defeat and hardships.

5. What is the ‘breath of life’?
Courage is the breath of life.

6. What are the characteristics of a courageous man?
Patience, strength, hard work, doing daring deeds, striving for distant goal are the characteristics of courageous men. They are men of planning and unwavering.

Appreciation Questions

B. Read the following lines and answer the questions.

1. It isn ’t an instantaneous thing
Born of despair with a sudden spring
a. What does ‘it’ refer to?
‘It’ refers to ‘courage’.

b. What does ‘born of despair mean’?
‘Born of despair’ means ‘born of hopelessness’.

2. It’s a slow, unwavering, ingrained trait
With the patience to work and the strength to wait
a. What is an ‘ingrained trait’?
Courage is an ingrained trait of bold man.

b. Why does a courageous man need patience?
A courageous man needs patience because courage is a slow, steady and firm quality.

3. It’s part of his hours, his days and his years,
Back of his smiles and behind his tears.
a. What does ‘tears’ mean?
‘Tears’ means ‘sorrow’.

Literary Appreciation:

C. Work in pairs and answer the following. 

(Rhyme Scheme: A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyming words at the end of each line of a poem or song. It is usually referred to by using letters to indicate which lines rhyme; lines designated with the same sound rhyme with each other.)

1. Pick out the alliterated words:


  1. Daring – deed
  2. thing – that
  3. no – need
  4. sudden – spring
  5. something – soul
  6. serve – some
  7. thing – that
  8. can – call
  9. he – have
  10. who – would
  11. no – need
  12. can – come
  13. may – meet
  14. his – hours

2. Pick out the rhyming words.

1. dash – flash
2. thing – spring
3. hope – rope
4. not – hot
5. goal – soul
6. sight – trait
7. blue – do
8. freed – need
9. show – go
10. defeat – meet
11. years tears
12. deed – creed

3. Write the rhyming scheme of the poem.
The scheme of the poem runs as ab, ab, ab, ab, ab scheme in four stanze.

Creative Writing

Bio – Poem

A Bio-poem is an essay about oneself in the form of poetry.

Line 1 : Your name
Line 2 : Four adjectives that describe you.
Line 3 : Son of / daughter of… brother of / sister of.
Line 4 : Lover of three people, things, or idea.
Line 5 : Who feels (three sensations or emotion)
Line 6 : Who needs (three things)
Line 7 : Who gives (three things)
Line 8 : Who fears (three things)
Line 9 : Who would like to see (three persons or places)
Line 10: Who lives …
Line 11: your last name

Strict, smart, active and friendly,
Daughter of Lazaro, sister of Francis
Lover of sports, music and reading.
Who feels enthusiastic, merry and comfortable
Who needs peace, health and prosperity
Who gives courage, money and guidance
Who fears cockroaches, spiders and lizards
Who would like to see the Himalayas, Kashmir and Europe
Lives in Australia

D. Work in small groups. Pick out the adjectives and nouns that suit you using a dictionary. Read the steps given. Arrange adjectives and nouns like the given sample to construct your BioPoem. Present in the class.

Energetic, hard-working, presistent, loving
Daughter of Raj and Mary, Sister ofJohn
Lover of books, music, dance
who feels happy, bright, smart
Who needs service, training and sharing
Who gives help, care and courage
Who fears unkind words Wash judgements
and uncharitable deeds
Who would like to see Nile river
Who lives in clara India

Adjective in the Bio-Poem Nouns in the Bio Poem
Energetic, Hard Working, Persistent, Unkind, Uncharitable, happy, bright, smart Nirmala, Daughter, Raj, Mary, sister, John, lover, books, music, dance, help, care, courage, happy, bright, smart, training, sharing, words, judgement, deeds, Nile, river, India

Additional Appreciation Questions

1. “Courage isn’t the last resort
In the work of life or the game of sport;
It isn’t a thing that a man can call ”
a. What is not a thing that a man can call according to the poet?
Courage can not be called by man. It is not the last resort in the work of life or the game of sport.

2. “Courage was never designed for show; ”
a. What does the poet mean in this line?
The poet tells courage is a quality. It can be seen only in action. Courage can not be exhibited in empty words or show.

3. “It’s the breath of life and a strong man’s creed”
a. Why does the poet say the above line?
Courage is an ingrained trait and it is in one’s breath and blood. It is an inborn quality. Strong men never have fear. Courage is their creed.

4. Courage isn’t a brilliant dash,
A daring deed in a moments flash;

(a) Which is a daring deed?
Courage is a daring deed.

(b) What is a deed?
A deed is an act.

5. For who would strive for a distant goal
Must always have courage within his soul.

(a) Who must have courage?
The one who wants to make great effort in life, should have courage.

(b) What is a ‘goal’ here?
A goal is a challenge or aim in life.

6. It’s part of a man when his skies are blue,
It’s part of him when he has work to do.
What do you mean by the phrase ‘his skies are blue’?
It means enthusiastic or in a happy state.

II. Poetic Devices.

Question 1.
Born of despair with a sudden spring
Pick out the alliterated words,
sudden – spring are the alliterated words.

Question 2.
it isn’t a creature of flickered hope
Or the final tug at a slipping rope;
But it’s something deep in the soul of man
That is working always to serve some plan.

(a) What are the rhyming words?
hope – rope; man – plan are the rhyming words.

(b) What is the rhyming scheme?
The rhyming scheme is ‘a a b b’

Courage Summary in English

Edgar Albert Guest elaborates that courage is temporary and not a mere flash of reflection. It is not like lightning that flashes and goes off. He explains that courage is long-lasting and always remains. It leaves a deep and lasting impression. It always works in the background and keeps reflecting itself. It stays with the person in every moment, situation and throughout life in one way or the other. It holds back the person, whether he calls for it or not. The courage always drops in and reflects itself, when the person is facing a tough time. As it slips down, the situations go against the run. The poet says one who wants to win has to explore misfortune, failures and mishaps.

The poet emphasizes how one needs to take any sort of failures positively. One should hold on to courage in the tough times. One has to face and suffer the dark during the negative days in life and has to bear the unfortunate losses. The true time to test one’s courage is when one is facing a rough time. It is displayed in every victory and defeat. It is there in every challenge, a man may meet. It is more than a daring act. It is the breath of life and faith of a story man.

Courage Summary in Tamil

தைரியம் என்பது மனிதனின் ஆன்மாவில் உள்ளது. மனிதன் இலட்சியத்தை நோக்கி முயற்சிக்கும் போது அவன் இதயத்தில் துணிவு இருக்க வேண்டும். துணிவு மனிதனின் இதயத்தின் ஒரு பகுதியாகும். இது வெற்றியிலும் உண்டு. தோல்வியிலும் உண்டு. புன்னகையிலும் உண்டு. கண்ணீரிலும் உண்டு. வாழ்வின் மூச்சுக் காற்றிலும் உண்டு .

Courage About the Author in English

Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959) was a profilic England- born American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and became known as the People’s poet. His poem often had an inspirational and optimistic view.

Courage About the Author in Tamil

எட்கார் ஆல்பர்ட் கெஸ்ட் என்பவர் (1881 -1959) வரை வாழ்ந்தவர். இங்கிலாந்தில் பிறந்த அமெரிக்கர். 20ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் முன் பாதியில் பிரபலமாய் இருந்தவர். மக்களின் கவிஞர் என்று புகழ் பெற்றவர். அவரது கவிதைகள் ஆர்வமூட்டுபவை. நல்ல நம்பிக்கை ஊட்டுபவை. நம் அன்றாட வாழ்வில் உற்சாகத்தை ஊட்டுபவை.

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