RRB NTPC QUESTION PAPER WITH ANSWER KEY 5 JAN 2021 – 1st, 2nd Shift Based on memory


RRB NTPC QUESTION PAPER WITH ANSWER KEY 5 JAN 2021 – 1st, 2nd Shift Based on memory

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is conducting the online exam to recruit 35,208 vacancies for the post of  Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) from 28 December to 13 January 2021. As per the RRB Notice, “The 1st Stage CBT will be held in multiple phases in order to ensure adherence to all the Covid-19 guidelines for the large number of eligible candidates (approx. 1.25 crores). Accordingly the first phase of the Exam is scheduled for 23 lakh candidates approx. to be held from 28.12.2020 to 13.01.2021 in various cities all over the country. The remaining eligible candidates will be scheduled in subsequent phases and will be intimated accordingly.

Exam Name Exam Date
RRB NTPC 2019 (CEN 01/2019) December 28, 2020 to March 2021

Phase-1: December 28, 2020 to January 13, 2021

Phase-2: January 16 to 30, 2021


RRB NTPC Exam Notice is available on the official websites of RRBs including RRB Ahmedabad, RRB Ajmer, RRB Allahabad,RRB Bangalore,RRB Bhubhaneshwar,RRB Bilaspur,RRB Chandigarh,RRB Chennai,RRB Gorakhpur,RRB Guwahati,RRB Jammu – Srinagar,RRB Kolkata,RRB Bhopal,RRB Malda,RRB Mumbai,RRB Muzaffarpur, RRB Patna,RRB Ranchi,RRB Secunderabad,RRB Thiruvanathapuram, RRB Siliguri.


1What is the full form of CSS?

Ans : Cascading Style Sheet

2What is tan 30 – Sin 30?

Ans : 2 – ?3 / 2?3

3Shades of saffron is written by?

Ans : Saba Naqvi

4When is Dance Day celebrated?

Ans : 29 April

5Who is the CM in Goa?

Ans : Pramod Sawant

6What is the full form of TRAI?

Ans : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

7Where is Brihadeeswara Temple?

Ans : Tamil Nadu

8What is the fullform of LIFO?

Ans : Last In First Out.

9Who lead the khilafat Movement?

Ans : Maulana Muhammad Ali and Maulana Shaukat Ali

10x^2 – 4x + 1 = 0, what will be x^2 – (1/x^2)

Ans : 14

11When is national statistics day celebrated?

Ans : 29 June

12After whom is the is Dhola-Sadiya bridge named??

Ans : Bhupen Hazarika

13When is blood donar day?

Ans : 14 June

14What is the full form of FTP?

Ans : File Transfer Protocol.

15What is the full form of CAA?

Ans : Computer-Assisted Accounting

16What is the value of sin 15?

Ans : ?3-1 / 2?2

17Which is the Oldest Dam of India?

Ans : Kallanai Dam

18Who got the Nobel prize for peace in 2020?

Ans : World Food Programme

19Who is the governor of Maharashtra?

Ans : Bhagat Singh Koshyari

20Who is the Brand Ambassador of La Liga?

Ans : Rohit Sharma

21Which Indian got the Nobel prize in 1913?

Ans : Rabindranath Tagore

22What acid is formed in the stomach?

Ans : HCL – Hydrochloric Acid

23What layer is formed in the stomach to protect it from HCL?

Ans : Mucus

24What is PH of lemon?

Ans : 2

25What is blue vitriol?

Ans : crystalline copper sulphate – CuSO4(5H2O)

26What is the unit of Force?

Ans : Newton

27What is the formula for slaked lime?

Ans : Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2?]

28When did India win the last gold medal in hockey?

Ans : July 29, 1980

29Who won the first Nobel prize?

Ans : Henry Dunant

30Who won La Liga?

Ans : Lionel Messi

31Who participated in 2nd round table seminar?

Ans : Mahatma Gandhi, Sarojini Naidu, Madan Mohan Malaviya, Sir Mirza Ismail Diwan of Mysore, S K Dutta and Sir Syed Ali Imam and more.

32Where is information stored in neurons?

Ans : Synapse

33Which 2 places in north and south are connected by India’s longest national highway which is 3,745 Km long?

Ans : Srinagar and Kanyakumari

34MGNREGA scheme was launched on February 2, 2006, under which act?

Ans : National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, (NREGA), 2005

35Which of the following INC president and the year is not correctly matched?

Ans : Sardar Patel – 1930

36Round revolution is related to which of the following?

Ans : Production of potatoes

37Who was the first Indian to win an Oscar?

Ans : Bhanu Athaiya

38The sukanya samridhi account can be opened with how much minimum balance?

Ans : Rs. 250

39Maximum how much money can be deposited in the Sukanya Samridhi account?

Ans : Rs. 1.5 lakh

40Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is built on which river?

Ans : Krishna River

41Where is the headquarters of UNADAP?

Ans : Vienna

42Where is the Headquarters of National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research?

Ans : Vasco D Gama

43Leon Mendonca has become India’s 67th chess grandmaster, he belongs to which state?

Ans : Goa

44What is the full form of PDF?

Ans : Portable Document Format

45Where is Pongal celebrated?

Ans : Tamil Nadu

46Where is the headquarters of ADB?

Ans : Mandaluyong, Philippines

47When is International Yoga Day?

Ans : 21 June

48Who gave the slogan for “Gareebi hatao”?

Ans : Indira Gandhi

49Solve: (Sin A + Cos A)^2-2Sin A Cos A

Ans : sin^2A + cos^2A

50Bells ran at an interval of 2 sec, 4 sec, 6, sec, 8 sec, and 10 sec. In 30 mins how many times will these bells ring altogether?

Ans : 15 times.

51Where was the first factory set up by the Portuguese in India?

Ans : Calicut, Kerela

52What is the childhood name of Gautam Buddha?

Ans : Siddhartha Gautama

53Which country hosted BRICS 2019?

Ans : Brazil

54Who is the 8th General Secretary of UNO?

Ans : Ban Ki-moon

55Which enzyme is secreted by the human stomach?

Ans : Pepsin

56Which day is celebrated on 12 January?

Ans : National youth day

57How many members are there in IMF?

Ans : 190

58By what other name is the first law of motion is also called?

Ans : Law of inertia

59What is the name of the Uranium mine in Jharkhand, India?

Ans : Jaduguda Mine

60With which bank is the Dena and Vijay banks have been merged?

Ans : Bank of Baroda

61किस राज्य के लोगों की प्रतिवयकती आय सबसे अधिक है
62पेड में जड से पत्तियों में जल कौन सा ऊत्तक ले जाता है




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