Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Poem 7 – My Computer Needs A Break


Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Poem 7 My Computer Needs A Break

Poem 7 My Computer Needs A Break

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide My Computer Needs A Break Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A) Answer the following:

1. How does the poet describe her computer?
The poet describes her computer as very intelligent and smart. The computer seems to know a lot of information by heart.

2. What happened to the computer?
The computer is absent-minded. It forgets to save her files. Sometimes the files vanish in the most dreadful way.

3. List four things that the computer could not do after it became absent-minded

  1. The computer forgets to save the poet s work.
  2. It doesn’t check her spelling.
  3. It hides all her files.
  4. It makes her work vanish in the most dreadful way.

4. What made the poet squirm?
The naughty computer of the poetess gobbled a worm. The computer behaved so erratically that it made the poetess squirm.

5. Why did the poet call the doctor?
The computer caught a virus and fell very sick. So the poet had to call a doctor.

B) Fill in the blanks. 

1) Computers are ……………. and ……………..
brainy, smart

2) We get answers for questions by a ……………..
click of the mouse

3) The computer forgot to ……………. the poet’s work.

4) The computer actually gobbled a ……………..

5) The poet feels that his computer needs ……………..

C) Pick out the rhyming words from the poem.

Smart – heart
click – quick
right – sight
sick – quick.

D) Match the poetic lines with Figures of speech.

1. So brainy personification
2. Mountains personification
3. It’s so absent-minded hyperbole
4. Computer gobbled a worm metaphor
5. Very sick. metaphor


1. So brainy personification
2. Mountains metaphor
3. It’s so absent-minded personification
4. Computer gobbled a worm hyperbole
5. Very sick. metaphor

E) Find the alliterating words from the poem.

1) Save – store
2) Doctor – double
3) Virus – very
4) makes – most
5) Gobbled – Computer

Additional appreciation Questions and Answers

1. ‘My computer always gives me the answer really quick! ’
How does the computer give you an answer?
If we type in a question and gives the mouse a click, the computer gives the answer really quick.

2. ‘And hides my files so that they vanish from sight’.
What does a computer hide?
The computer hides the files.

3. ‘My computer doesn’t check that my spellings are right ’
What does the computer fail to do?
The computer does not check the spelling.

4. ‘My computer has always been so brainy and smart’
What are the qualities of a computer given in the above line?
The computer is brainy and smart. These are the qualities of the computer.

5. ‘And one day. my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm.’
What did the computer do in a naughty way?

The naughty computer gobbled a worm.

6. ‘Then my computer caught a virus, and fell, very sick.’
Why did the computer fell sick?
The computer caught a virus and fell sick.

7. My computer has always been so brainy and smart – It seems to know mountains of information by heart.

(a) What has the computer always been to the poet?
The computer had always been so brainy and smart.

(b) Why does the poet use the word ‘mountains’?
She had used this word to insist that the computer knows a lot of information.

(c) What do you mean by ‘brainy’.
‘Brainy’ means “intelligent”.

8. It forgets to ‘save’ my work, and store it away,
And instead, makes it vanish in the most dreadful way.

(a) What does the computer forget?
The computer forgets to save the poet’s work.

(b) What vanishes in the most dreadful way?
OH Her works vanish in the most dreadful way.

(c) What do you mean by the word “dreadful”?
“Dreadful” means “unpleasant”.

9. And one day, my naughty computer actually gobbled a worm,
And behaved so erratically that it made me squirm.

(a) What is the figure of speech used here?
Personification is used here. The computer is given human traits. It gobbled a worm.

My Computer Needs A Break Summary in English

The poet’s computer had always been very intelligent and fashionable. It seemed to know a lot of information by heart. If she typed a question and gave her mouse a click, it gave her the answer quickly. But recently, her computer had been behaving badly. It was so absent-minded and forgot to save her work and store it. Instead, her work vanished in the most dreadful way. It also didn’t check her spellings and hid her files, vanishing them from sight.

One day, the naughty computer actually swallowed a worm, that is a virus, and behaved so unsteadily. The poet was in discomfort. As it caught the virus, it became sick. So she had to call the doctor (technician) to examine her computer. She just asked him whether his tired computer needed some relaxation (break) because she had been using it for many days.

My Computer Needs A Break Summary in Tamil

கணினி அறிவானது. சுறுசுறுப்பானது. மிக விரைவாய் பதில் சொல்லக் கூடியது. அதற்கு ஞாபக மறதியும் உண்டு. அது என் கோப்புக்களை மறைத்து விடும். வைரஸ் தாக்குதலுக்கு உள்ளாகி நோயுற்று விடும். சில சமயம் களைத்துவிடும். அதற்கும் கூட விடுமுறை தேவை.

About the Author in English: My Computer Needs A Break

Shanthini Govindan is a widely published, award-winning author of children’s literature in English in India, who has written over 50 books for children including poetry, picture books, and short stories for children of all ages.

About the Author in Tamil: My Computer Needs A Break 

சாந்தினி கோவிந்தன், பிரசித்தி பெற்றவர். விருதுகள் வாங்கியவர். குழந்தை இலக்கியத்தில் எழுத்தாளர் ஆக புகழ் பெற்றவர். 50 புத்தகங்களுக்கு மேல் எழுதியுள்ளார். இவற்றில் படக்கதைகள், கவிதைகள் அடங்கும். எல்லா வயது குழந்தைகளுக்கும் ஏற்றவாறு சிறுகதைகள் எழுதியுள்ளார்.

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