6th English Solutions Term 2 Poem Chapter 1 Team Work – Samacheer Kalvi Book Back Answers

Samacheer Kalvi  6th English Solutions Term 2 – Poem Chapter 1 Team Work 

Poem Chapter 1-  Team Work 

Poem Overview
No. Poem Line Explanation
1-2 It’s all very well to have courage and skill And it s fine to be counted a star, It’s good to have courage and talent to achieve something.
It’s also fine to be counted as a star.
3-4 But the single deed with its touch of thrill
Doesn’t tell the man you are;
But the thrilling single act doesn’t tell anyone your abilities.
5-6 For there’s no lone hand in the game we play,
We must work to a bigger scheme,
There is no single hand in the game we play. All of us, as a team, should
work to a bigger plan or aim.
7-8 And the thing that counts in the world to-day
Is, How do you pull with the team?
The thing that matters in the world today is how do you get along with your teammates.
9-10 They may sound your praise and call you great,
They may single you out for fame,
Sometimes people may praise you, call you great and they may give you special attention from others for fame.
11-12 But you must work with your running mate
Or you ‘ll never win the game;
But you must work earnestly with your teammate or you will never win the game.
13-14 Oh, never the work of life is done By the man with a selfish dream, Your work of life is never done with your selfish dream. It is a fact that is known to everyone.
15-16 For the battle is lost or the battle is won
By the spirit of the team.
A battle can be won or lost by the spirit of the team. If they all work together.
17-18 You may think it fine to he praised for skill,
But a greater thing to do
You may think it is fine to be praised by others for your talent. But a greater thing you should do than this.
19-20 Is to set your mind and set your will On the goal that’s just in view; You should set your mind and will on the goal that is in front of you. The aim that is in your view.
21-22 It’s helping your fellowman to score When his chances hopeless seem; This goal is helping your fellow men to score more, when his chances
seem to be hopeless. Giving him a helping hand,
23-24 Its forgetting self till the game is o ’re And fighting for the team. It’s also forgetting about your selfishness and fighting for the team, till the game is over.

A. Read the poem aloud and fill in the wheel with its rhyming pair. Also try giving your own rhyming word. One is done for you.       

B. Fill in the table.

Contraction is a shortened form of a word or group of words, with the omitted letters often replaced in written English by an apostrophe (‘).

It’s                   – It is
Doesn’t           – Does not
There’s            – There is
You’ll               – You will
That’s              – That is
I’ve                    – I have
He’d                  – He would / He had
Aren’t               –  Are not
He’s                   – He has
Won’t               – Will not
Can’t                – Can not

C. Answer the following questions.

1. What qualities are needed to play a game?
Courage and skill and team spirit are the qualities needed to play a game.

2. What helps one win the game?
Working with your running mate, the team spirit, setting your mind and will on the game played, helping your fellowmen to score and forgetting self till the game is over, helps one to win the game.

3. How is team spirit created?
Team spirit is created through you must work with your running, helping your fellowmen.


D. Read the lines and answer the questions given below.

1. It’s helping your fellow man to score
When his chances hopeless seem;
It forgetting itself till the game is more
And fighting for the team.

a. What does it stand for here?
It stands for Teamwork.

b. Write the rhyme scheme for the above lines.
The rhyming scheme for the above line is ‘abab’.

2. They may sound your praise and call you great.
They may single you out for fame,
But you must work with your running mate
Or you’ll never win the game;

a. Whom does ‘they’ refer to?
‘They’refers to the people around you.

b. Which line talks about team Spirit?
The 3rd line ‘But you must work with your running mate’ talks about team spirit.

c. Pick out the rhyming words from the given lines.
The rhyming words are ‘great – mate; fame – game’.

Additional Appreciation Questions

1. It’s all very well to have courage and skill
And it’s fine to be counted a star,
But the single deed with its touch of thrill
Doesn’t tell the man you are;
(1) What is fine to be counted?
It is fine to be counted as a star.

(2) Does your single act tell who you are?
No, your single act doesn’t tell the man you are.

(3) What do you mean by the worded’?

(4) Pick out rhyming words from these lines?
The rhyming words are skill – thrill; star – are.

2. For there’s no lone hand in the game we play
We must work in a bigger scheme.
And the thing that counts in the world today
Is, How do you pull with the team?
(1) What is the meaning of the first line?
The first line means that there can’t be a single man in the game we play.

(2) What is the thing that is counted?
The thing that is counted is how you work with the team.

(3) Pick out the rhyming words in the above lines,
play – today.
scheme – team.

3. Oh, never the work of life is done
By the man with a selfish dream,
For the battle is lost or the battle is won
By the spirit of the team.
(1) What is responsible for a battle to win or lose?
The spirit of the team is responsible to win or lose a battle.

(2) What happens to a man of a selfish dreams?
His work of life is never done.

4. You may think it fine to be praised for a skid,
But a greater thing to do
Is to set your mind and set your will On the goal that’s just in view.
(1) What is ‘fine’ you think?
To be praised for skill is fine you think

(2) What does ‘a greater thing’ refer to?
Setting your mind and will on the goal in view is a greater thing.

E. Pair wort. Discuss with your partner and list out any five team games.

  1. Football
  2. Hockey
  3. Cricket
  4. Kho-Kho
  5. Volleyball

Team Work Summary

The poet Edger Albert Guest in his poem ‘Team Work’ insists on the importance of Team work. Team work is very important. When we work together as a team, we become strong and then it is easy to achieve the common goal. It is good to have courage and talent to achieve something. It is also fine to be counted as a star. But that thrilling single act doesn’t tell anyone your abilities. In a game we play, there is no single hand. We must work with a team, helping and coordinating with others in the team to achieve something. Sometimes people praise you, call you great and single you out for fame. But you must work with your team mate or you’ll never win the game. Your work of life is never done with your selfish dream. A battle should be won or lost by the spirit of the team.

You may be praised for your skill. But a greater thing to do is to set your mind and will on the goal that’s in front of you (the game). It is helping your teammate to score, when his changes are hopeless. It is also forgetting about self and fighting for the team till the game is over.

Team Work About the Author in English

Edgar Albert Guest began his illustrious career in 1895 at the age of fourteen when his work first appeared in the Detroit Free Press. His column was syndicated in over 300 newspapers, and he came to be known as “ The Poet of the People”. Guest was made Poet Laureate of Michigan, the only poet to have been awarded the title. His poems often had an inspirational and optimistic view of everyday life.


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