8th Social Science Civics Solutions Term 3 – Chapter 1 Defence & Foreign Policy Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi


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Term 3

1. Defence & Foreign Policy

8th Social Science Civics Solutions Term 3 – Chapter 1 Defence & Foreign Policy Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi – English Medium


I. Choose the best answer:

  1. The Supreme Commander of the Armed forces is our-
    (a) President
    (b) Prime Minister
    (c) Governor
    (d) Chief Minister
    Answer: (a) President

2. The primary mission of Indian Army is to ensure-
(a) National Security
(b) National Unity
(c) Defending the nation from external aggression
(d) All the above
Answer: (d) All the above

3. The Army day is-
(a) 15th January
(b) 1st February
(c) 10th March
(d) 7th October
Answer: (a) 15th January

4. Assam Rifles is under the control of-
(a) Ministry of Defence
(b)National Security Advisor
(c) PMO
(d) Ministry of Home Affairs
 Answer: (d) Ministry of Home Affairs

5. Indian Coast Guard was established in-
(a) 1976
(b) 1977
(c) 1978
(d) 1979
Answer: (c) 1978

6. India’s foreign policy is based on several principles. One of which is-
(a) Satyameva Jayate
(b) Panchasheel
(c) both of these
(d) None of these
 Answer: (b) Panchasheel

7. Which of the following islands belonged to India?
(a) Andaman and Maldives
(b) Andaman and Lakshadweep Island
(c) Sri Lanka and Maldives
(d) Maldives and Lakshadweep Island
Answer: (b) Andaman and Lakshadweep Island

II. Fill in the Blanks:

  1. The Madras Regimental Army centre is at ………….
  2. The Indian Navy Chief is ………….
  3. …………. is first and only officer of Indian Air Force to be promoted to Five Star rank Marshal of Indian Air Force.
  4. The chief architect of India’s foreign policy was ………….
  5. The Word Non-Alignment was coined by ………….


  1. Wellington, Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu
  2. Admiral
  3. Arjan Singh
  4. Jawaharlal Nehru
  5. V.K. Krishna Menon

III. Match the following:


  1. Nelson Mandela – 8 members
  2. National war Memorial – Field Marshal
  3. Manekshaw – Energy development
  4. SAARC – Apartheid
  5. BCIM – New Delhi


  1. Nelson Mandela – Apartheid
  2. National war Memorial – New Delhi
  3. Manekshaw – Field Marshal
  4. SAARC – 8 members
  5. BCIM – Energy development

IV. State true or false:

  1. Central Armed Police Force serve under the Ministry of Defence.
  2. The Madras Regiment is one of the oldest infantry regiment.
  3. The Rapid Action Force is a specialised wing of the CRPF.
  4. NCC Cadets are given basic military training.
  5. Bangladesh is a part of India.
  6. Myanmar is land bridge to ASEAN nations.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True

V. Choose the correct statement:

  1. Consider the following statement related to Armed forces.

(i) The Indian Army is the land based branch of Armed forces.
(ii) The mission of Indian Army is not only ensure the national security but also conducts humanisation rescue operations.

(a) (i) only
(b) (ii) only
(c) Both (i) and (ii)
(d) Neither (i) nor (i)
Answer: (c) Both (i) and (ii)

2. Assertion (A): The President is the Supreme Commander of the Armed forces of India.
Reason (R): The President is the head of the State and occupies the highest position.
(a) A is correct and R explains A
(b) A is correct and R does not explain A
(c) A is correct and R is wrong
(d) Both A and R are wrong
Answer: (a) A is correct and R explains A

3. Assertion (A): India has favored international co-operation.
Reason (R): She believes that all disputes among nations can be solved through friendly                        co-operation.
(a) A is correct and R is wrong
(b) Both A and R are wrong
(c) A is correct and R explains A
(d) A is correct and R does not explain A
Answer: (c) A is correct and R explains A

4. Which of the following statements is not true about “Apartheid?”

(i) Apartheid is a policy of racial discrimination.
(ii) It is against humanism.
(iii) The policy of racialism is practiced in India.

(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) only
(d) (iii) only
Answer: (d) (iii) only

5. Find the odd One out
(a) Maldives
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Myanmar
(d) Lakshadweep
Answer: (c) Myanmar

VI Answer the following in one or two sentences:

  1. Why national security is very entail?

    • National security is very essential for the political, social and economic development of any country,
    • It is also important for the growth a country’s peace and peospenty.

2. What does the following abbreviation stand for?
(a) SFF
(b) ICG
(c) BSF
(d) NCC
(a) SFF – The Special Frontier Force
(b) ICG – Indian Coast Guard
(e) BSF – The Border Security Force
(d) NCC – National Cadet Corps

3. Write a short note on CRPF

  1. CRPF means The Central Reserve Police Force.
  2. This mission is to maintain Rule of law, Public order and internal security effectively and efficiently.
  3. It aims to preserve national integrity and promote social harmony and development by upholding supremacy of the constitution.
  4. Its specialized wing is The Rapid Action Force.

4. Name of the founding fathers of Non-Aligned Movement.
The founding fathers of Non-Aligned Movement were Jawaharlal Nehru of India. Tito of Yugoslavia, Nasser of Egypt, Sukarno of Indonesia, and Kwame Nkumarah of Ghana.

5. Write the basic principles of India’s Foreign Policy.
The basic principles of India’s foreign policy are-

  1. Preservation of national interest
  2. Achievement of world peace
  3. Disarmament
  4. Abolition of Colonialism, Racism and Imperialism
  5. Increasing the number of friendly nations

6. Name the member countries of the SAARC.
The member countries of SAARC are Inida, BangLadesh, Pakistan, Nepal,Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Afghanistan.

VII. Answer the following in detail:

 1. Describe tie structure and administration of Indian Army.

  1. The Indian Army is the land-based branch and it the largest unicellular arm in the world
  2. It is commanded by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), who is a four-star general.
  3. The primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national security. national unity. defending the nation from internal aggression, internal thresh.
  4. The Indian Army baa a regimental system
  5. It is operationally and geographically divided into seven commands.

The primary objective of the navy is to safeguard the nations maritime Borden. and in conjunction with other Armed Forces of the union, act to deter or defeat any threats or aggression against the territory. people or maritime interests of India.

    Air Force:
The Indian Air Force is the air arm of the Indian armed forces. Its primary mission is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct serial warfare during aimed conflict. The Chief of Air Staff, an air chief marshal, is a four-star officer and is responsible for the bulk or operational command of the Air Force.

2. Write about Paramilitary Detract Forces.

  1. the Paramilitary Defence Forces help in maintaining internal security.
  2. Protecting the Coastal line. and assisting the army are known as ‘Paramilitary Forces”.
  3. Assist the army forces.
  4. The responsibility is the security of important places like Railway stations.Oil fields and refineries, water reservoirs lines.
  5. They also participate in the management of natural or man-made disasters
  6. During peace time, the protect the international borders.

They can be divided as:

  1. TheAsaamRilles(AR)
  2. The Special Frontier Force (SFF)

1. the Assam Rifles (AR):

  • This was established in 1835 by the British in the Assam region, as a militia called the ‘Cachar Levy’.
  • There are currently 46 battalions of Assam Rifles and it n under the Ministry of Home Affaira (MBA).

2. The Special Frontier Force (SFF):

  • It was created in 1962.
  • This force was put under the duvet supervision of the Intelligence Bureau
  • Later it was brought under the Research and Analysis Wing. India’s external intelligence agency.

3. Write five principles of Panchsheel.
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India was the chief architect of India’s foreign policy. Nehru was a supporter of world peace. He declared the five principles of peace, known as Panchsheel. These principles included:

  1. Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  2. Mutual non-aggression
  3. Mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
  4. Equality and mutual benefit
  5. Peaceful co-existence.

4. India focuses on improving ties with its neighbours. How?
1. It is part of India’s foreign policy that actively focuses on improving ties with India’s immediate neighbours.

2. India provides neighbours with support to improve the free flow of goods, people, energy, capital and information.

3. ACT East Policy:
Myanmar is our land bridge to the countries of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The main purpose is to ensure a stable and multipolor balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region.

To foster the bonds of brotherhood, co-operation and peaceful co-existence SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) was established. The member countries are India. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Afghanistan are the eight members of the SAARC.

This Bangladesh – China – India – Myanmar Economic corridor envisages the formation of a thriving economic belt, focusing on cross – border transport, energy and telecommunication networks.

It refers Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation. The member countries are Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan and Nepal.

Bangladesh – Bhutan – India – Nepal has signed a framework to enable movement of passengers, cargo vehicles and for energy development. It has high status in the South East Asia. ’


1. A career in defense forces promises one of the most prestigious and respected position        in the country. State the importance.

  • Being a part of the defense forces is one of the most prestigious and respected position in the country.
  • Young aspirants who aspire to choose a career full of excitement, challenges and adventure can join the defense forces.
  • When it comes to lifestyle, the defense forces is unmatched. Regular exercise and proper routine key a soldier physically fit and active during his working age.
  • Each person serves the motherland in his own way and contributes to the growth and development, but he serves his country at the cost of his life.
  • Having a government job is the best thing for any one in an economy.
  • The glamor of the uniform, badges add a sense of pride in the person.
  • The armed forces take care of the family of its men.
  • Even after retirement private job opportunities are there.
  • Leadership quality is well developed with various types of experience.
  • It is the most thrilling career in the world.\


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