RRB NTPC QUESTION PAPER WITH ANSWER KEY 8 JAN 2021 – 1st, 2nd Shift Based on memory


RRB NTPC QUESTION PAPER WITH ANSWER KEY 8 JAN 2021 – 1st, 2nd Shift Based on memory

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is conducting the online exam to recruit 35,208 vacancies for the post of  Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) from 28 December to 13 January 2021. As per the RRB Notice, “The 1st Stage CBT will be held in multiple phases in order to ensure adherence to all the Covid-19 guidelines for the large number of eligible candidates (approx. 1.25 crores). Accordingly the first phase of the Exam is scheduled for 23 lakh candidates approx. to be held from 28.12.2020 to 13.01.2021 in various cities all over the country. The remaining eligible candidates will be scheduled in subsequent phases and will be intimated accordingly.

Exam Name Exam Date
RRB NTPC 2019 (CEN 01/2019) December 28, 2020 to March 2021

Phase-1: December 28, 2020 to January 13, 2021

Phase-2: January 16 to 30, 2021


RRB NTPC Exam Notice is available on the official websites of RRBs including RRB Ahmedabad, RRB Ajmer, RRB Allahabad,RRB Bangalore,RRB Bhubhaneshwar,RRB Bilaspur,RRB Chandigarh,RRB Chennai,RRB Gorakhpur,RRB Guwahati,RRB Jammu – Srinagar,RRB Kolkata,RRB Bhopal,RRB Malda,RRB Mumbai,RRB Muzaffarpur, RRB Patna,RRB Ranchi,RRB Secunderabad,RRB Thiruvanathapuram, RRB Siliguri.


1Who won the Asian Game 2020 in the 25 metre pistol event?

Ans : Rahi Sarnobat

2Setu Bharat scheme was launched in which year?

Ans : 2016

3What is the full form of NRHM?

Ans : National Rural Health Scheme

4Who is the President of CII?

Ans : Uday Kotak

5What is the full form of OPEC?

Ans : Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

6Madrid is the capital of which country?

Ans : Spain

7Tamasha is of which state?

Ans : Maharashtra

81st president of USA was?

Ans : George Washington

9What is the full form of FIFO?

Ans : First in First out

10Who is the current Secretary and ex-officio chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation?

Ans : Kailasavadivoo Sivan

11What is a plotter?

Ans : A plotter produces vector graphics drawings.

12What is the full form of FORTRAN?

Ans : Formula Translation

13What is the smallest text file?

Ans : Cookies

14Who was the governor at the time of 1857 revolution?

Ans : Charles John Canning

15Where is the headquarter of OPEC?

Ans : Vienna

16What is the capital of Australia?

Ans : Canbera

17Sagar Matha is situated in which country?

Ans : Nepal

18What is the ratio of the Indian flag’s length and breadth?

Ans : 3:2

19When was the Surat session held?

Ans : 1907

20What is the use of Acid and Base?

Ans : Food preservation

21Who won T20 world cup?

Ans : India

22Who was the first person to hoist the Indian Flag?

Ans : Bhikaiji Cama


Ans : 56

24Who is the chairman of the World bank?

Ans : Malpass David R. Malpass

25Where is the headquarter of Interpol?

Ans : Lyon, France

26Which is the largest lake in the world?

Ans : Caspian Sea

27Who has been appointed the chief justice of India in November 2020?

Ans : Sharad Arvind Bobde

28Who coined world wide web?

Ans : Tim Berners-Lee

29Who holds the second position after the President?

Ans : Vice President

30To whom is the Khusrao Temple in Odisha dedicated to?

Ans : Hindu Sun God Surya

31When is national day celebrated?

Ans : 28 February

32What is the weight of normal human heart?

Ans : 354.5 gm

33What is the cerebrum?

Ans : It is the largest front part of the human brain. It forms 66% of the human brain.

34When was the Simon commission started?

Ans : November 1927

35Who is the head of DRDO?

Ans : Satheesh Reddy

36What is the PH value of soil?

Ans : 3 to 10

37Who is the PM of Mauritius?

Ans : Pravind Jugnauth

38Who was the Guru of Mahatma Gandhi?

Ans : Gopal Krishna Gokhale

39Who is the father of computers?

Ans : Charles Babbage

40Whois the father of genetics?

Ans : Gregor Mendel

41What is the full form of COBOL?

Ans : common business-oriented language

42When was the non-cooperation movement started?

Ans : 1 August 1920

43Where is the high court of Andhra Pradesh?

Ans : Amaravati

44What is the full form of BHEL?

Ans : Bharat Heavy Electronic Limited.

45What is the full form of FTP?

Ans : File Transfer Protocol

46Which gas is needed for Photosynthesis?

Ans : Co2

47What are the green house gases?

Ans : Carbon dioxide, Methane, Ozone, Nitrous oxide, Chlorofluorocarbons

48Who is the youngest goodwill ambassador?

Ans : Millie Bobby Brown

49What was India’s rank in HDI 2019?

Ans : 131

50If RAMAN is written as 47, then what is VARUN?











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