6th Social Science – 1st Term Book Back Questions & Answers (Notes) – 2. Human Evolution


6th Social Science – 1st Term Book Back

& Questions Answers (Notes)

2. Human Evolution

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. The process of evolution is _________
a) Direct
b) indirect
c) gradual
d) fast

Answer: c) gradual 

2. Tanzania is situated in the continent of _________
a) Asia
b) Africa
c) America
d) Europe

Answer: b) Africa 

II. Match the statement with the Reason, Tick the appropriate answer:

1. Statement: Migration of man of different parts of the world resulted in changes of                                 physic and colour..
   Reason: Climatic changes.
a) Statement is correct.
b) Reason is wrong.
c) Statement and Reason is correct.                                                                              d) Statement and reason are wrong.

Answer: c) Statement and Reason is correct.       

III. Find out the Right Pair:

a) Australopithecus – Walked on both legs
b) Homo habilis     –   Upright man
c) Homo erectus    –   Wise man
d) Homo sapiens  –  Less protruding face

Answer: a) Australopithecus – Walked on both legs

IV. Fill in the blanks:

1. Anthropologies mentioned the footprints of humans in Tanzania.
2. Millions of years ago, our ancestors led a nomadic life.
3. The main occupations of the ancient humans were hunting and gathering.
4. The invention of plough made farming easier.
5. Rock paintings are found at Karikaiyur.

V. State True or False:

1. Anthropology is the study of coins.
Answer: False
2. Homo erectus (Java man) had the knowledge of fire.
Answer: True
3. The first scientific invention of humans was wheel.
    Answer: True 
4. Goat was the first animal to be domesticated by humans.
    Answer: False

VI.  Answers in One words:

1. What method is used to find out the age of the excavated materials?
Answer:  Radio Carbon dating method
2. What did early human wear?
    Answer: Hides of animals and barks of trees and leaves.
3. Where did early humans live?
   Answer: Early humans live in Caves.
4. Which animal was used for ploughing?
Answer: Oxen were used for ploughing.
5. When did humans settle in one place?
Answer: When people began to practice Agriculture, Life became an organised.                    It made the human to settle in one place.

VII. Answer the following :

1. What is evolution?                                                                                                          Answer:  Evolution is the process through which the human kind changes and develops                     towards an advanced stage of life.

2. Write any two characteristics of Homo sapiens.                                                                Answer: 
i) Homo sapiens were wise men.                                                                                      ii) They engaged in hunting and gathering.                                                                      iii) They used crude stone implements.

3.  Why did humans move from place to place?                                                                     Answer:  Humans kept on moving in search of food.

4. Describe the ancient methods of hunting.                                                                        Answer:
i) Hunting was the main occupation of humans in the past.                                                ii) They made sharp weapons and tools with the help of the stones for hunting.                  iii) They hunted pig, deer, bison, rhino, elephant and bear for food.

5. Why were axes made?                                                                                                     Answer:  The axes were made to cut trees, remove barks, dig pits, hunts animals and                        remove the skin of animals.


1. Importance of invention of wheel from the ancient period to the modern period.


i)  Early homo sapiens realized that round objects could be easily moved by rolling them.
ii) Their descendants advanced this rolling technique into the transportation of large                objects on cylindrical logs.
iii) The invention of the wheel and axle allowed a rolling log to be placed through a hole in       a wheel to create a cart.
iv) Chariot racing was influential in the evolution of the spoked wheel as they allowed               chariots to move much faster.
v) The invention of air filled rubber tyres allowed wheels to be much faster, sturdier and          stronger.

X. Answer Grid

The invention of ____________made pot making easier.

Answer: Wheel

Barter system means                         .                Answer: Exchange of Goods Name any two weapons used by early human for hunting.

Answer: Sharp stone                       and axes

Which is the best stone for making weapons?            Answer: Flint Towns and cities emerged because of                         and                        .

Answer: Trade, Commerce

Which was the first scientific invention of humans?

Answer: wheel 

Identify the pictures in rock Paintings              Answer: Hunting animal Which was the main occupation of early humans?

Answer: Hunting

What do cave paintings tell us?

Answer: Depicted their daily events

Where did the early humans live? is related to the field of archaeology Name any two animals domesticated by early human.

Answer: Goat, Cow

Answer: caves Answer: Excavation


XII. Map Work

On the outline map of India, mark the following places:

1. Adichanallur
2. Attirampakkam
3. Bhimbetka
4. Hunasagi Valley
5. Lothal





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