TNPSC General English Part A Grammar – Sentence Patterns -Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi Text Book Material


TNPSC General English Part A Grammar – Sentence Patterns -Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi Text Book Material New Syllabus

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Grammar Sentence Patterns

Sentence Pattern: (Text Book Page No. 107)

1. Choose the right pattern.

1. The wall collapsed.
a) SV
b) SVO
Answer: a) SV

2. During the war, many people lost their homes.
a) SVO
Answer: c)ASVDO

3. I promised the children a trip to the zoo.
a) SVO
Answer: c) SVIODO

4. In 1998, Frank moved to London.
Answer: a)ASVA

5. Pooja hired a bicycle.
a) SV
b) SVO
c) SVA
Answer: b) SVO

2. Write two sentences for each pattern.


SV Birds fly.

They walked.

They returned.

We studied.

SVO I bought a pen.

Ravi kicked the ball.

She gave a bale.

She ate the food.

SVC She is a dancer.

He is a surgeon.

He is a painter.

My father is a painter.

SVA They came here.

We stay in Chennai.

They will come now.

They danced gracefully.

SVOC Raju wrote a letter neatly.

John made Jane angry.

I wrote the exam well.

He made him the captain.

SVIODO They gave him a shock.

My mother gave me a beautiful frock.

The teacher taught him a lesson.

He presented my dad with a watch.

ASV Tomorrow she leaves.

Yesterday, we arrived.

Yesterday I came.

In 2019 they succeeded.

SVAA My dog swam in the pool yesterday.

They came by bus yesterday.

I went to Ooty by bus last week.

The bank opens at 10 a.m. tomorrow.


Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Grammar Sentence Patterns

Identify the sentence pattern for the following sentences.

1. The girls are studying.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVOC (c) SV (d) SVCA
Answer: (c) SV

2. Children like cookies.
(a) SVAAA (b) SVO (c) SVOC (d) SVCA
Answer: (b) SVO

3. I played yesterday
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVIODO (d) SVCA
Answer: (a) SVA

4. The gates were closed.
(a) SVIODO (b) SV (c) SVO (d) SVOCA
Answer: (b) SV

5. The children speak courteously.
(a) SVA (6) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (a) SVA

6. Video games keep children busy.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (b) SVOC

7. Hema placed the books on the table.
(a) SVO A (b) SVO (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (a) SVOA

8. Writing makes one a perfect man.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (b) SVOC

9. She showed me her new mobile phone.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVIODO
Answer: (d) SVIODO

10. Sindhu won a silver medal in Olympics.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVO A (d) SVC
Answer: (c) SVO A

11. My teacher asked me a question.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer:  (a) SVIODO

12. Cricket matches are played regularly at check stadium.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVAA (d) SVC
Answer: (c) SVAA

13. He gave us a party.
(a) SVA (b) SVIODO (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (b) SVIODO

14. You must repay kindness always.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVO A
Answer: (d) SVOA

15. We elected Latha our union chairman last month.
(a) SVA (b) SVOCA (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (b) SVOCA

16. They gave Rahim this home last week.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVIODOA (d) SVC
Answer: (c) SVIODOA

17. Honey tastes sweet.
(a) SVC (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (a) SVC

18. India is an agricultural country.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (d) SVC

19. Once Sam was an athlete.
(a) SVA (b) ASVC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (b) ASVC

20. Generally children like ice cream.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) ASVO (d) SVC
Answer: (c) ASVO

21. Kumar was our Panchayat President last year.
(a) SVCA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (a) SVCA

22. Teja is busy in the office.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVCA
Answer: (d) SVCA

23. Are you angry?
(a) SVA (b) VSC (c) SVA (</) SVC
Answer: (b) VSC

24. She is now a professor in New Jersey.
(a) SVACA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (a) SVACA

25. Suddenly they heard a cry.
(a) SVA (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) ASVC
Answer: (d) ASVC

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Grammar Sentence Patterns


Subject Verb Object
I met the doctor.
Father cooks food.
Children enjoy sweets.
Tom Dutt wrote the poem “Lotus”.
They painted the gate.
We shall visit Pollachi.
They are arranging the meeting.
She has won a scholarship.
They had met Raheem.
You are reading a novel.
Subject Verb Complement
The day is too cold.
The dictionary cooks food.
Children enjoy sweets.
Tom Dutt was new.
He will become a doctor
They are lazy
She will be sixty
It was a new challenge
Clouds are thick
They were happy
None is born poor
Subject Verb Adjunct
He came late.
She talks sweetly.
He speaks fast.
The crowd became noisy.
The water cools slowly.
The cloud passed slowly.
She looks critical.
The book looks old.
The lady walks slowly.

Identify the sentence pattern of the following:

Question 1.
He taught me Spanish.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVC (c) SVO (d) SVC A
Answer: (a) SVIODO

Question 2.
He is a lecturer with a lot of experience.
(a) SVAAA (b) SVAC (c) SVOC (d) SVCA
Answer: (d) SVC A

Question 3.
He wore his new uniform to school today.
(a) SVO (b) SVOA (c) SVIODO (d) SVC A
Answer: (b) SVOA

Question 4.
All the goats have been milked.
(a) SVIODO (b) SV (c) SVO (d) SVOCA
Answer: (b) SV

Question 5.
Dr. Kumaran is a Psychiatrist.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVOC (c) SVA (d) SVC
Answer: (d) SVC

Question 6.
She went to Kolkatta.
(a) SVA (b) SVC A (c) SVIODO (d) SVIODOA
Answer: (a) SVA

Question 7.
My father bought me a cycle.
(a) SVOA (b) SVOC (c) SVIODO (d) SVCA
Answer: (c) SVIODO

Question 8.
She bought vegetables.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVO (c) SVOAA (a) SVCA
Answer: (b) SVO

Question 9.
Vikram plays cricket daily.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVCA (c) SVO (d) SVOA
Answer: (d) SVOA

Question 10.
The weather is very hot in Chennai.
(a) SVCA (b) SVOC (c) SVO (d) SVIODO
Answer: (a) SVCA

Question 11.
These roses arc beautiful.
Answer: (c) SVC

Question 12.
The crowd cheered hìm vigorously.
(a) SVO (b) SVOA (c) SVOC (a) SVCA
Answer: (b) SVOA

Question 13.
My friend gifted me a mobile.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVAA (c) SVO (a) SVCA
Answer: (a) SVIODO

Question 14.
She danced beautifully on stage yesterday.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVOC (c) SVO (d) SVAA
Answer: (d) SVAA

Question 15.
The boys made the teacher angry.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVAA (c) SVOC (a) AVSC
Answer: (c) SVOC

Question 16.
They elected Chitra the class leader.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVOC (c) SVO (a) SVCA
Answer: (b) SVOC

Question 17.
Nishanth is brave.
(a) SVC (b) SVAA (c) SVOAA (cl) SVOA
Answer:  (a) SVC

Question 18.
They are reading in the library.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVA (c) SVOAA (a) SVCA
Answer: (b) SVA

Question 19.
My brother is doing homework.
(a) SVIODO (b) SVAA (c) SVO (a) SVC
Answer: (c) SVO

Question 20.
Vivek grew tired after the match.
(a) SVCA (b) SVAA (c) SVO (cl) SVC
Answer: (a) SVCA

Question 21.
Could you send him a reminder?
(a) SVA (b) SVC (c) SVO (d) SVLODO
Answer: (d) SVLODO

Question 22.
Smart phone does not make people smart.
(a) SVC (b) SVDOC (c) SVO (d) SVA
Answer: (b) SVDOC

Question 23.
She can’t finish all assignments in one day.
Answer: (c) SVOA

Question 24.
I had a terrific time yesterday.
(a) SVC (b) SVAC (c) SVOCA (d) SVCA
Answer: (d) SVCA

Question 25.
He is studying in Canada.
(a) ASVO (b) SVA (c) SVC (d) SVOA
Answer: (c) SVC


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