TNPSC General English PART C |12. About the Poet – Walt Whitman|(Authors and Their Literacy Works)Study Materials


TNPSC General English – PART C (Authors and Their Literacy Works) Study Materials

12. About the Poet – Walt Whitman

12. About the Poet

  1. Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
  3. Anne Louisa Walker
  4. V K Gokak
  5. Walt Whitman
  6. Douglas Malloch.


5. Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman was born in Long Island, in the United States of America in 1819.
He started his career as an office boy in a law office in Brooklyn at the age of eleven
and then became a typesetter’s apprentice in a number of print shops. Walt Whitman was the second son of Walter Whitman, a house-builder, and Louisa Van Velsor. At the age of twelve Whitman began to learn the printer’s trade, and fell in love with the written word. Largely self-taught, he read voraciously, becoming acquainted with the Bible and the works of Homer, Dante, and Shakespeare. In 1936, at the age of 17, he began his career as a teacher in Long Island. He continued to teach until 1841, when he turned to journalism as a full-time career.

Born on May 31, 1819, Walt Whitman was the second son of Walter Whitman, a house-builder, and Louisa Van Velsor. At the age of twelve Whitman began to learn the printer’s trade, and fell in love with the written word. Largely self-taught, he read voraciously, becoming acquainted with the Bible and the works of Homer, Dante, and Shakespeare. In 1936, at the age of 17, he began his career as a teacher in Long Island. He continued to teach until 1841, when he turned to journalism as a full-time career.

The poem, ‘O Captain! My Captain’ was published in 1865 and widely
anthologised during his life time. This poem is a rare example of his use of rhymed,
rhythmically regular verse, which serves to create a sombre yet exalted effect. Whitman
had envisioned Abraham Lincoln as an archangel Captain and he wrote this poem as
a dirge for the death of Abraham Lincoln.

The first line of the poem serves to begin the controlling metaphor upon which
the rest of the poem is built. In this poem, ‘Captain’ is a substitute of Abraham Lincoln,
and the ship is the United States of America. ‘The fearful trip’ is the Civil War. The
Speaker celebrates the end of the civil war but continues to mourn the fallen hero.

His works:

Franklin Evans (1842)
Leaves of Grass (1855)
Drum-Taps (1865)
Memoranda During the War Specimen Days Democratic Vistas (1871)

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