TNPSC General English PART C |12. About the Poet – V K Gokak |(Authors and Their Literacy Works)Study Materials


TNPSC General English – PART C (Authors and Their Literacy Works) Study Materials

12. About the Poet – V K Gokak


12. About the Poet

  1. Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
  3. Anne Louisa Walker
  4. V K Gokak
  5. Walt Whitman
  6. Douglas Malloch.

12. About the Poet – V K Gokak

VK Gokak (1909–1992) , a famous novelist and poet in Kannada and a professor of
English, wrote and published poetry in English as well. This poem expresses Gokak’s
admiration for the English language. He brings out the efficacy of English words in
delightful and poignant similes. How the language across the seas changed our
hearts is shown here.

He was the fifth writer to be honoured with the Jnanpith Award in 1990 for Kannada language, for his epic Bharatha Sindhu Rashmi. In 1961, Gokak was awarded the Padmashree from the Government of India for Dyava Prithvi.

  • Presidentship of the 40th Kannada Sahitya Sammelana in 1958.
  • Honorary doctorates from the Karnatak University.
  • Honorary doctorates from the Pacific University of the USA.
  • Central Sahitya Akademi award for his ‘Dyava Prithivi’ in 1961.

His works:

Bharatha Sindhu Rashmi
Samarasave Jeevana – Ijjodu Mattu Erilita (vol 1)
Samarasave Jeevana – Samudrayana Mattu Nirvahana (vol 2)
Dhyava Pruthvi (Kannada Saahithya Academy Award)
Samudra Geethegalu
English words
Sahitya Vimarsheya Kelavu Tatvagalu
Nanna Jeevana Drishti                                                                                         Jeevana Paatagalu
Kala Siddhantha
India & World Culture
Gokak Kruthi Chintana
Dyava Pruthivi


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