TNPSC General English PART C |12. About the Poet – Rabindranath Tagore |(Authors and Their Literacy Works)Study Materials


TNPSC General English – PART C (Authors and Their Literacy Works) Study Materials

12. About the Poet – Rabindranath Tagore


12. About the Poet

  1. Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Henry Wordsworth Longfellow
  3. Anne Louisa Walker
  4. V K Gokak
  5. Walt Whitman
  6. Douglas Malloch.

1. Rabindranath Tagore

Tagore was born in the Jorasanko mansion in Calcutta, to Debendranath
Tagore and Sarada Devi. At age sixteen, he released his first substantial poems
under the pseudonym Bhānusiṃha (“Sun Lion”). He founded, Visva-Bharati
University. He became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in
1913 for his “Gitanjali”. His compositions were chosen by two nations as national
anthems: India’s Jana Gana Mana and Bangladesh’s Amar Shonar Bangla. His Nickname was Guru dev, Bard of Bengal.

As we remember Tagore on his 150th birth anniversary, we recall his contribution towards Indian writing in English. A Bengali poet, novelist and educator, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 which was followed by a series of titles and awards during his career.

He was admitted in a school named “Bengal academy”. but he refused to go to the school as the children were mercilessly beaten by the teacher. He educated at home. At seventeen in the year 1878, he went to England to study English literature. He did not finish his studies there.

  • A Bengali poet, novelist, artist and educator.
  • He established two institutes of learning – shanthi niketan and vishwa bharathi.
  • Shanthi Niketan= instills good moral values in the students.
  • Vishwabarathi was established on 22nd dec 1918.
  • From time to time he participated in the Indian nationalist movement.
  • Tagore was knighted by the ruling British Government in 1915, but within a few years he
    resigned the honour as a protest against British policies in India.
  • Works and awards:
    Tagore had early success as a writer in his native Bengal. With his translations of some of his poems he became rapidly known in the West.
  • He received Nobel prize for his famous book “Geetanjali” in 1913.


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