Nobel Prize Winners in 2023 List, Name and Fields !!


Nobel Prize announcements 2-9 October 2023!

Nobel Prize 2023!

The Nobel Prize is the world’s most prestigious award, honoring individuals and organizations for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace, and economics. The prizes are awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation, based on the will of Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel.


1. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 :

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 was awarded to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”

  • The Nobel Prize in Physics for the current year has been announced for 3 people from America, Germany and Sweden namely Pierre Agostini, Berenk Krause and Anne Houllier.
  • It is said to be given by the discovery of tools for using measurements that process electrons and energy rapidly. It is said that the 3 of them have invented a new instrument to study the molecules and electrons in atoms.
  • A new kind of research can be done by studying the intermolecular electrons in atoms. It will be important to the world of science and future technology. It is also said to be useful for things like quantum mechanics. It has been reported that 3 of them have contributed to this tool.
  • In particular, the change in velocity between electrons and the heartbeat known as the autosecond and the age of the universe can be detected through it. This means that changes in every atom in the barium can be detected with this instrument. Hence it is said to be important in space industry as well.
  • The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Alain Aspect of France, John F. Glaser of the United States and Anton Seilinger of Austria. All three are credited for finding a way that invisible particles called photons, even when separated by large distances, can be connected to each other. They were recognised for their groundbreaking work in the realm of entangled photons, wherein they demonstrated the violation of Bell inequalities and made pioneering contributions to the field of quantum information science.


2. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023 was awarded jointly to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissmanfor their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19″

  • The recognition highlights the crucial significance of their research on nucleoside base modifications, which played a vital role in the swift creation of these vaccines during the pandemic.
  • The Nobel Laureates’ discoveries have had a transformative impact on our understanding of how mRNA interacts with the immune system, enabling the unprecedented speed of vaccine development during one of the most significant health crises in recent history.
  • Vaccination, as a result of their work, now triggers the formation of an immune response against specific pathogens, providing the body with a crucial defense mechanism for future encounters with these threats.
  • The fight against Covid-19, which has emerged as the greatest threat to human health in modern times “This award is given for pioneering contributions to vaccine development,” the Nobel Council praised.

The Nobel Prize, which has been awarded since 1901, has been awarded 113 times for physiology or medicine. A total of 12 women have been awarded the Nobel Prize. Frederick G. was awarded the 1923 Medicine Prize for the discovery of insulin at the age of 32. Ponting is the youngest medical laureate ever to win a Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize announcements are made every year in October. The Nobel Committee of 50 professors at the Karolinska Institute awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize for major discoveries in medicine.

Katalin Karigo

  • Katalin Kariko, born in 1955 in Szolnok, a great Hungarian plain full of natural wonders, is a professor at the University of Szeged and an adjunct professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Drew Weisman

  • Drew Weisman is the Roberts Family Professor in Vaccine Research and director of the Penn Institute for RNA Discovery.

3. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023 was awarded to Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus and Alexei I. Ekimov for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots”

  • The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023 rewards the discovery and development of quantum dots, nanoparticles so tiny that their size determines their properties.
  • These tiny particles, which have special qualities, are now emitting light from LED lights and television displays. They accelerate chemical processes and can provide a surgeon with good illumination of tumour tissue.

What is Quantum dots?

  • Quantum dots now illuminate computer monitors and television screens based on QLED technology. They also add nuance to the light of some LED lamps, and biochemists and doctors use them to map biological tissue.
  • Quantum dots are thus bringing the greatest benefit to humankind. Researchers believe that in the future they could contribute to flexible electronics, tiny sensors, thinner solar cells and encrypted quantum communication – so we have just started exploring the potential of these tiny particles.

4. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2023

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2023 was awarded to Jon Fosse, “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable”

  • Jon Fosse, born in 1959, is widely considered one of the most important writers of our time.
  • For almost forty years he has written novels, plays, poems, stories, essays, and children’s books.
  • His award-winning work has been translated into more than fifty languages, and his plays have been staged over a thousand times all over the world.
  • Fosse’s first novel, Raudt, svart (Red, Black), was published in 1983, but he considers a short story Han (He), published in a student newspaper in 1981, as his actual literary debut.
  • Already there are many characteristic features of Fosse’s writing: repetition, inner monologue, and a musical, evocative style. Fosse continued to publish prose, poetry, and children’s books through the Eighties, but his breakthrough as an author came with the 1989 novel Naustet (Boathouse).


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