Difference Between Rabi, Kharif and Zaid Crops


Difference Between Rabi, Kharif and Zaid Crops

Rabi Kharif Zaid
Winter cropping season is known as Rabi. Wet summer cropping season is known as kharif. Dry summer cropping season is known as Zaid.
Rabi crops are sown in winter from October to December.


Kharif crops are grown with the Onset of monsoon in June. Zaid is the short intervening cropping season in between Rabi and Kharif season.
The crops are harvested in summer from April to June. The crops are harvested in September to October. The crops are grown in summer months (March to May)
Availability of precipitation during winter months due to western disturbances help in the success of these crops. These crops have high water requirement either from monsoon rain or by irrigation. They are irrigated crops.
Wheat, barley, peas, gram and mustard are examples of crops growing in Rabi season. Paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, tur (arhar) moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabean are examples. Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops are examples of crops growing in Zaid season.
They are grown in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. They are grown in Assam, West Bengal, Coastal regions of Orissa, Andra Pradesh. Sugarcane almost takes a year to grow.






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